Eye Makeup Mistakes That Make You Look Older

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Over-plucking your eyebrows

This can make your face look harsh and age you.

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Skipping eye primer

Eye primer helps to smooth out the eyelid and prevent creasing, which can make you look older.

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Applying eyeliner only to the lower lash line

This can make your eyes look smaller and draw attention to dark circles.

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Using shimmery eyeshadow on mature skin

Shimmery eyeshadow can highlight wrinkles and make them more noticeable.

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Using dark eyeshadow in the crease

This can create a heavy, tired look.

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Applying mascara only to the top lashes

Mascara on the bottom lashes can help to open up the eyes and make them look brighter.

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Using false eyelashes that are too long or heavy

This can weigh down the eyelids and make you look tired.

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Neglecting to curl your lashes

Curled lashes can make your eyes look more awake and youthful.

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Using too much black eyeliner

This can create a harsh look and draw attention to wrinkles.